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An Attorney Can Help After A Car Accident Injury

Hi, my name is Kirsten Krueger and two years ago, I was in a car accident. I was stopped at a stop sign when the driver behind me slammed into my car. Due to my injuries, I had to spend a few days in the hospital and I was unable to work for two months. My medical care was expensive and without being able to work, I couldn't pay my bills. The car accident was stressful enough and then I had to worry about how I would pay my bills. After speaking with a car accident lawyer, it wasn't long before I was compensated for my medical bills and lost wages from work. I'm writing this blog to help others who have been a car accident and haven't received any compensation. As you read my posts, you'll learn how an attorney can help you if you're in a vehicle accident.


An Attorney Can Help After A Car Accident Injury

7 Types Of Expert Witnesses That Can Help With Your OVI Case

by Sara Williamson

One of the most powerful tools that an OVI defense attorney can use to protect your rights is an expert witness. Expert witnesses can provide insight to help build a strong defense against OVI charges and ensure fair treatment in court. This article will discuss the types of expert witnesses that your attorney may enlist to help win your OVI case.

1. Toxicologists

Toxicologists are experts in the study of drugs and poisons. In OVI cases, they can provide insight into the science behind breathalyzer tests and blood alcohol content (BAC) calculations. They can explain how alcohol is absorbed, metabolized, and eliminated by the body and how this affects BAC levels. They can also testify about how certain factors, such as a person's body weight, can affect BAC results. 

For example, a person with a higher body weight may be able to consume more alcohol before reaching a certain BAC level. In addition, toxicologists can challenge the accuracy of breathalyzer tests if there are issues with the calibration or maintenance of the equipment.

2. Accident Reconstruction Specialists

If an OVI case involves an accident, an accident reconstruction specialist can help determine the cause of the crash. They can examine the physical evidence at the scene, including skid marks, vehicle damage, and debris, to depict the events leading up to the accident. 

They can use computer simulations to recreate the accident, visually representing what happened. This can be particularly helpful if there are conflicting witness statements or the police report doesn't portray a clear picture of the accident.

3. Field Sobriety Test Experts

Field sobriety tests are often used as evidence in OVI cases. A field sobriety test expert can testify about the reliability of these tests and point out any errors that may have been made during the administration of the tests. 

4. Forensic Experts

Forensic experts can analyze physical evidence such as blood, urine, and hair samples to determine the presence and concentration of drugs or alcohol. They can also identify any errors or inconsistencies in collecting and handling evidence. For example, they can challenge the chain of custody of the evidence or the accuracy of the laboratory equipment used to test the samples.

5. Accident Avoidance Experts 

If a person is accused of driving recklessly or dangerously, an accident avoidance expert can testify about the actions that a reasonable and prudent driver would take in similar circumstances. This can help demonstrate that the defendant's actions were not outside of what would be considered normal behavior.

6. Traffic Engineering Experts

Sometimes, a traffic engineering expert may be called upon to testify about road design, signage, and other factors contributing to an accident. This can help show that the defendant was not entirely at fault for the accident. For example, they can testify about how poor road design or lack of signage may have contributed to a crash or how a defective traffic signal may have caused confusion for drivers.

 For more info, contact a local OVI defense lawyer
