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An Attorney Can Help After A Car Accident Injury

Hi, my name is Kirsten Krueger and two years ago, I was in a car accident. I was stopped at a stop sign when the driver behind me slammed into my car. Due to my injuries, I had to spend a few days in the hospital and I was unable to work for two months. My medical care was expensive and without being able to work, I couldn't pay my bills. The car accident was stressful enough and then I had to worry about how I would pay my bills. After speaking with a car accident lawyer, it wasn't long before I was compensated for my medical bills and lost wages from work. I'm writing this blog to help others who have been a car accident and haven't received any compensation. As you read my posts, you'll learn how an attorney can help you if you're in a vehicle accident.


An Attorney Can Help After A Car Accident Injury

Ask for Damages That Will Cover the Expense of Future Career Training

by Sara Williamson

When you hire an attorney to file a suit against your employer following a workplace injury, you need to think of every angle to ensure that you're covered financially. You can't reach a settlement, use up the money, and then go back and file another suit, so talk at length with your attorney about the settlement that you'll need to move on with your life. While some people eventually return to work after a workplace injury, others cannot perform their old job because of the injury's lasting impact. This may mean that it's necessary to train for another career. If so, here are some details that should be part of your suit.

Clear Evidence of the Employer's Role

For a workers' compensation suit to move forward, it's necessary for there to be a clear link between your injury and the job you were performing. Sometimes, this is obvious, but you should never take things for granted. One of your employer's first legal tactics will be to push culpability away from himself, suggesting that it was your careless actions in one way or another that led to the injury. Thus, a combination of witness testimony, written memos, and even security camera footage can all link your injury with your job.

Authoritative Proof That You Can't Continue

You'll also need a doctor to share his or her informed opinion that you cannot return to work performing your previous role with the company. If the effects of your injury will be long-lasting, your doctor may state that you cannot perform your job again. For example, if you suffered a catastrophic back injury while working in a physically demanding role, it's likely that your doctor will advocate not doing this type of work again because of the risks involved.

Cost of Career Training

If you're building your suit around the fact that you need to switch careers because of the workplace injury, you'll want your employer to pay for your training. Decide what career path interests you and that you expect to be able to pursue despite your injury, and then research the type of training that you'll need and what it costs. You need to have clear data in this regard, rather than simply asking for a large and random sum to cover the training. If you and your attorney can put these details together, the probability of a successful suit is higher.

If you need help putting a case together, contact a workers compensation service like Petersen  Sage Graves Layman and Moe.
