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An Attorney Can Help After A Car Accident Injury

Hi, my name is Kirsten Krueger and two years ago, I was in a car accident. I was stopped at a stop sign when the driver behind me slammed into my car. Due to my injuries, I had to spend a few days in the hospital and I was unable to work for two months. My medical care was expensive and without being able to work, I couldn't pay my bills. The car accident was stressful enough and then I had to worry about how I would pay my bills. After speaking with a car accident lawyer, it wasn't long before I was compensated for my medical bills and lost wages from work. I'm writing this blog to help others who have been a car accident and haven't received any compensation. As you read my posts, you'll learn how an attorney can help you if you're in a vehicle accident.


An Attorney Can Help After A Car Accident Injury

Three Types Of Cases Where You Need A Good Labor Lawyer

by Sara Williamson

Virtually all workers go to their job because they need the money they earn there to pay their bills and support their family. They expect their work environment to be safe and fair. However, occasionally something or someone in the workplace disrupts that pattern and causes a person to be injured at work, passed over for a promised promotion, or lose their job entirely. In cases like these, it's wise to hire a good labor lawyer.

1. Being fired unfairly. While all states have slightly different employment laws, there are a number of reasons a person cannot be fired. These include their age, gender, religion, or race, and firing a person for one of these reasons breaks federal law and in many cases goes against the U.S. Consitution. If one of these factors has contributed to a person losing his or her job, a good employment lawyer can likely help the person sue the employer and either regain their job or get compensation for the wrong done to them.

2. Having to work in an unsafe and/or hostile environment. Another reason to hire an employment lawyer is if a person is being made to work in an unsafe or hostile environment. This can be due to hazards like wet floors or toxic fumes or having to endure stressful situations like pervasive bullying or sexual harassment at work.

3. Disputes regarding wages and compensation. A good employment lawyer can also help in situations where there are major discrepencies in wages and compensation. This might be when a person was promised time-and-a-half for working weekends or over holidays but is only paid their regular wage. Or it could be a case where a salesperson's commission agreement with their company stated one formula, but they were paid a different amount or the company claimed a cap on their earnings.

Hiring a lawyer in any of these scenarios is not a sign of weakness or an unnecessary expense. Just as someone would hire a licensed electrician or plumber to make repairs on their home, a person needs someone licensed and skilled in labor law to help ensure the best outcome in their court case. Keep in mind that it's not always necessary to pay a large up-front retainer. Depending on the case, and the likely outcome, some lawyers will work on a contingency basis, meaning that they won't send an invoice until after they win the case and get a settlement or the person's job reinstated.

Contact a law firm like John H. Haskin & Associates, LLC for more information.
